Piikani Nation Administration

1605 – 17th Ave
P.O. Box 70
Brocket, AB T0K 0H0

Phone: 403-965-3940
Fax: 403-965-2214

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday
8:00am – 4:00pm
Closed for all nation and statutory holidays


Corbin Provost, COO

Sarah Yellow Horn, Receptionist

The Piikani Nation Administration will practice providing quality services using fair and equitable principles that aim to enhance the integrity of Piikani Nation.

Piikani administration

Human Resource

Diandra Smith – Human Resource Technician

Human Resource is responsible for maintaining the procedures and systems that support the structure of the Piikani Nation Administration for the Head Office under the direction of the CEO.

Human Resource is available to answer any questions and provide clarification on any content of existing HR policies and procedures for managers and employees.

Personnel Policy (pdf format)
Canada Labor Code (pdf format)

Piikani human resource


Sonia Provost – Membership

Leona Smith – Per Capita Distribution

The Membership Department strives to provide an accurate record of the Piikani Nation through careful recording of events that affect the Indian Register and Membership List in accordance with Indian Registration procedures and Membership Code Regulations.

Membership is not an easy subject. There are many different scenarios that affect entitlement to Indian Status and Band Membership, each one being unique requiring careful implementation of Policy and Procedures.

The Piikani Membership Registrar is available to answer any questions and provide clarification on the policies and procedures that apply to registration of the children and adults, as well as provide guidance with SCIS applications and estate affairs.

More information
The Indian register is a confidential record of all people registered as status Indians of Canada under the Indian Act of Canada. Indians are also known as Status Indians. Status Indians have certain rights and benefits that are not available to Non-Status Indians or Métis people. These may include on reserve housing benefits, education and exemption from federal, provincial and territorial taxes in specific situations.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Piikani membership


Piers Earl – CFO

Laureen Yellow Horn – Finance Technician

Marg Yellow Horn – Finance Technician

Peggy Big Weasel – Finance Technician

Our Vision
Piikani Finance Department’s financial activities are managed and sustained through responsive and accountable practices that successfully promote economic self-sufficiency for current and future generations of Piikani People.  A high level of service excellence is consistent and therefore predictable.

Our Mission
Piikani Finance Department seeks to continually improve operational practices in order to meet and exceed expectations from internal and external funding sources by providing financial management processes that are strategic, consistent and empowering to the Piikani Nation.

Employee Focus
Team Work
Collaborative Relationships

2011 Audit (pdf format)
2012 Audit (pdf format)
2013 Audit (pdf format)
2014 Audit (pdf format)
Settlement Agreement (pdf format)

Piikani finance

Chief & Council Assistants

The role of the Chief and Council assistants is to ensure the flow of information between Chief and Council is clear and constant, while assisting the day to day tasks.

Rita Morning Bull – Executive Assistant Council

Selena Yellow Horn – Executive Assistant

Piikani chief council assistants