Piikani Consultation Office
To Preserve, Protect and Monitor ongoing impact in land development to our Piikani Territory. As a fulfillment of the Crown consultation requirements, it is the responsibility of Industry to consult with the Piikani Nation in relation to any Proposed Industry Projects within the Piikani Ancestral Lands.
Piikani Consultation’s mandate is to study our cultural or ecological sites and to protect them from being disturbed through rigorous methods that include our Piikani Sacred and Natural Law, academia and industry standards
- Ira Provost, Consultation Manager ira.provost@piikaniconsultation.com
- Megan Crow Shoe, Consultation Officer megan.crowshoe@piikaniconsultation.com
- Leroy Crazy Boy, Lead Environmental Lead Technician leroy.crazyboy@piikaniconsultation.com
- Waylon Yellow Horn, Consultation Analyst waylon.yellowhorn@piikaniconsultation.com
- Josh Crow Shoe, Cultural and Environmental Technician joshua.crowshoe@piikanination.com
Mailing Address and Phone Number
P.O. Box 70 Brocket, AB T0K 0H0, (587)421-2001